From Trauma To Blessing

Traditional Algonquin Medicine

The aim of my practice as a holistic healer is to facilitate a compassionate and collaborative healing experience with my clients. Which therefore results in release and reactivation of their highest self.

We work with the sacred traditional Algonquin Medicines to align your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. This is done by bringing awareness to behavioral patterns, traumas, fears, or diseases which you have experienced.

From Trauma to Blessing. A happy woman walking through a field at sunset.

Traditional Algonquin Medicine

The path from Trauma to Blessing

Energetic healing is delivered through two different modalities. Energy Work; where we move stagnant energies and allow them to flow freely once more and come into balance. Ceremonies; to reach the subconscious parts of yourself and bring them into your conscious experience.

These modalities promote change and healing. Having the ability to access the subconscious parts of ourselves makes the healing process powerful and sacred. A sacred path to finding resolution, calmness and peace even in midst of chaos. Without chaos there is no change, to maneuver within the chaos is key.

Flower of life graphic

I Am Here To Guide You

This process is not always comfortable. But when you keep wondering, ‘what else can I do’, it is time to dig deep. It requires you to put your health and well-being in the forefront. Be uncomfortable, open yourself to exploring changes that your future self will thank you for.

As an Energy Healer, I am here to guide you. I hold sacred space for all that you are, with love and acceptance. I will get you to where you want to be, and help you remember who YOU are at your core. We allow your soul the space to do what it needs to do and be what it needs to be. Book a session today.

I am here to guide you, hold sacred space for all that you are, with love & acceptance.

Kind Words from our Clients


We invite you to explore your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies with me.
Your sacred path to resolution.
British Columbia, V0H 1X4 Canada

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