Flower of life graphic in white representing holistic healing.

Holistic Healer - Energy Healing Kelowna

Holistic Healing

We work with the sacred traditional Algonquin Medicines to align your physical, mental and spiritual bodies.

Online Classes

Zoom online classes of healing, transformation and expansion.

Healing Circles

Healing circles taking you on spiritual journeys. Sign up with our newsletter to find out more.

Space Clearing

Shamanic and Plant Medicine Ceremony to clear energy and cleanse a space.

Traditional Algonquin Medicine

I work with the sacred traditional Algonquin Medicines to align your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

About Me

My Journey

has been one of self-discovery. I was born in former Yugoslavia, and at the age of three, my family fled to Germany to escape the war. We spent five years in Germany before immigrating to Canada in 1994. After graduating from University, I set off to solo-travel the world for a year.

My travels brought awareness to the past traumas I held onto and showed me how they impacted different aspects of my life. The triggering of my past traumas was the initial cause of my severe battle with Candida that would end up lasting the next five years of my life.

Becoming a Holistic Healer

In 2016 a friend introduced me to Algonquin Medicine. As we healed and released my childhood traumas, my Candida completely subsided. I was inspired to study Algonquin Medicine myself, immersing myself in the teachings, ceremonies and receiving all the medicine rites to offer the work myself. My journey has been one of self-discovery, a path that has brought me back to the foundation of who I am and supported me through all my challenges.

Spiritual Life Coaching

6x 1Hour Sessions - Dharma / Soul Purpose Coaching


I invite you to explore your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies with me.
Your sacred path to resolution.
British Columbia, V0H 1X4 Canada

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